Story telling - The very hungry caterpillar(Survey activity)

1. Read the story
2. Categorize the foods
Q : What foods are in this books?
(one apple, two pears, three plums, four strawberries, five oranges,
one piece of chocolate cake, one ice-cream cone, one pickle,
one slice of swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop,
one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, one slice of watermelon,
one green leaf)
-put flash cards of those foods in the board.
Q : Is it sweet? / Is it salty?
Q : Choose something salty/sweet.
Q : Do you like ______?

let students categorize foods into the correct column using flash cards
ex) fruit : apple, orange....
     sweets/cakes : cherry pie, cupcake.....
     vegetables : pickle
     meat/fish : salami, sausage
     daily products : ice cream, cheese...
     carbohydrates : chocolate cake, cherry pie....
Q : What foods are healthy? / What foods are unhealthy?
Q : What is the most healthy for a caterpillar? (caterpillar had a stomachache.)
- eat different foods from each food group
- eat plenty of bread, cereals and potatoes
- always try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables
- try not to eat too many cakes and chips
- try not to eat too much sweet food and drink

Q : We're going to survey how many people like these foods.
- Give flash cards and worksheets to students
- They'll use 'Do you like _____? / Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
- After surveying, make a chart on the board. (by themselves)
Q : How many students like ice-cream cone? / A : 5 students.
