Making a sentence game

gym class : sea storm, jelly fish, star fish...
3 student are catcher, the other students line up at the end of the other sides.
If 3 students shout 'sea storm'
then the other have to run across the gym.
If student are tagged from 3 students, sit down at that spot
and can tag the other students.(But cannot stand up, only use their arms)

*adjusting(assume that we learn about present continuous)
3 students will be S(I, You, She, He, We, They)
some are V (is, am, are...)
some are -ing(making, cooking, eating, reading ....)
some are O(chicken, books, kimchi...)
3 students have to tag the other students to make sentence that makes sense.
the order doesn't matter.
(they can catch O first, V second.. doesn't matter)
They just need to figure out making the right sentence.
they have to catch all grammar things and make a sentence.
The fastest team is the winner.

 if S catch one student, then that student have to catch another one.
Ex) S(He) catches O(books)
O(books) catches V(is)
V(is) catches -ing(reading)
they take turn to catch the other students.
while O(books) catching the other student, S(He) is waiting or coaching out of the line.

to lessen mistakes,
S put red papers on their shirts,
V put yellow papers on their shirts,
O put green papers on their shirts...

*반대항 게임으로 하기
*Using sentences that we learned in the textbook.
